

Area: 2203 sq. km
Population: 18,20,000 (2001 census)
Altitude: Sea level

Acclaimed as the land of letters, latex and lakes, Kottayam has the distinction of being the first-ever fully literate municipal town in India. This land also boasts of the first English educational centre in South India as well as the first Malayalam printing press which was established by Benjamin Bailey, a Christian missionary, in 1820 AD. Today, it is the forerunner in publishing with about 80 per cent of the books published in the State coming from the district. The nerve centre of Kerala’s newspaper industry, a total of five dailies is published from here. Panoramic backwater stretches, lush paddy fields, highlands and extensive rubber plantations characterize this picturesque land which attracts hordes of tourists. The majestic Vembanad Lake and the stunning backwaters of Kumarakom are its prime attractions.
Telephone access code: +91-481

Air: Nearest airport Kochi (76 km) • Thiruvananthapuram (160 km)

Rail: The railway station is situated 2 km from the central bus station and is connected to the major cities of India.

Road: An excellent network of roads connects the district to all the major towns and cities of India.

Backwater ferry services: There are two ferry stations. The Town Jetty is about 3 km from the railway station and operates services during the monsoon. During summer, boats are operated from the Kodimatha Jetty.

Tourist information offices: DTPC Ph: 2560479 www.dtpckottayam.com • Central Reservation, KTDC, Mascot Square Ph: 0471-2316736.